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Supporting Canterbury and Otago Rural Communities

At HOOF, we are dedicated to supporting the heart and soul of Canterbury and Otago's rural communities. Our initiative stems from a deep-rooted desire to provide aid and assistance to those who need it most.

Our Story

After two decades immersed in the dairy farming industry, HOOF was born out of a simple goal—to lend a helping hand. Our journey has been about nurturing our animals, supporting hardworking South Island farmers, and fortifying the fabric of our communities.

Supporting Dairy Herds, Empowering Farmers

Our mission so far has been incredibly rewarding. We've focused on improving the lives of dairy cows, offering farmers peace of mind by ensuring top-tier care for your livestock, saving valuable time, and aiding in enhancing the profitability of farm businesses during challenging seasons.

Extending Our Reach to Communities by Giving Back

And now, it's time to expand our support to the heart of rural life—the primary schools that anchor our communities.

For every cow we trim, HOOF will donate $1 to the primary school PTA of your choice. This contribution is aimed at providing our children with more opportunities for growth and development.

Or if you prefer, your support can go to the Rural Support Trust—a reflection of HOOF's core values, dedicated to "rural people helping rural people."

A Pledge to Stand By You

Having spent two decades in dairy farming, we understand the significance of having a reliable shoulder to lean on during tough times. Our commitment at HOOF is to ensure there's always someone here for you.

Making an Impact

When our calendar is fully booked, HOOF trims 10,000 cows annually. This equates to $10,000 that we are committed to sharing between our schools and the Rural Support Trust. It's our way of helping to nurture and strengthen the backbone of our rural communities.

Join us in sowing the seeds of support. Together, let's ensure our communities and schools flourish, providing support when it matters the most.